Okay, so Fox has a new TV show Monday nights at 21:00(9:00pm) Hell's Kitchen.
When I first saw the previews for the show, the only things I could think was: "I want to be on that show!" "I must get on to that show!"
After seeing the first episode, seeing just what its like to work under him on the show, my thoughts are same. I want to go on to that show and learn to cook from Gordon Ramsay.
While I may comment on the show every now and again, I'm not going to do a week by week synopsis on each contestant. The reason is that I won't be here, so there's no point (maybe RR could do it if she has free time. . . hint)
I'm not going to pick a favorite to win and thus give them a kiss of death. I will state this though: There are two groups of people that will be eliminated quickly from that type of situation.
The first group is the group that can't realize that when Ramsay is yelling at them in the kitchen, it's only business. I believe that every contestant took what Ramsay had to say personally when he yelled at him. They need to realize that he has a job to do, that they all have a job to do. He's putting his reputation on the line by doing this, so he wants to be sure that he has the best candidate at the end.
The second group of people are the knowitalls. This is the group that came into this with a lot of experiance. This is a blurse if ever I saw one. They are going to have to unlearn everything they learned so that they can become great chefs. Those that can't adapt will fall out quickly.
They contestants had 45 minutes to prepare a meal before Ramsay arrived, so that they could prepare a dish for him. The two contestants that made simple dishes did the best, the first he said was "Not bad." The second dish he liked he actually complimented (though she's out because she wasn't a team player which I guess would be a third group of people that will leave quickly)
He and I agree on two things: presentation is nothing if the food tastes like shit, and the second is that you shouldn't add inedible things to a dish just to make it look better. Taste is what's important!
I want to go on that show.
"Qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum." (Let him who wishes for peace prepare for war.) -Vegetius
"Aut vincere aut mori" (Either conquer or die) - Caesar
My Roommate is obsessed with LoTR. . .
While I'm greatful to Tolkien for creating Lord of the Rings, if only for the fact that Dungeons and Dragons resulted from it, it isn't a series that I find particularly good. Quite frankly, I've tried reading the books, I had thirty pages left in the first book, and finally decided that I was done forcing myself to read it. Those who don't know me have claimed that I don't like the series because I'm uneducated and don't know good reading when I come to it. I find this quite funny, as while growing up, reading was what I used to escape from reality. I was reading books for teenagers when I was in Elementary school, and by the time I made it to middleschool, I was reading books suited for the adult reading level.
I didn't like the LoTR series for the sole reason that there was too much description, I just found it to be boring. I'd usually last about five minutes before falling asleep. I have found the movies to be tolerable, though I still fell asleep in the theatre for all three films. The landscape they used was beautiful. However, I found that they cut Tom Bombadil from the movie, and he was my favorite charactor in the first book. Cutting him out is in my mind akin to cutting Fizban out of a Dragonlance movie if they make one. (They had better make a Dragonlance movie!)
While my roommate has found his obsession in LoTR, I have found mine in Harry Potter. I find that the books are much more suited to my style of fantasy. The preview for the fourth movie is out, and you can view it here. The forth movie looks great thus far, and even better, I should be finished with all my basic training by the time it comes out in theater. I'm definately going to catch the IMAX of it if they put it in that format.
I didn't like the LoTR series for the sole reason that there was too much description, I just found it to be boring. I'd usually last about five minutes before falling asleep. I have found the movies to be tolerable, though I still fell asleep in the theatre for all three films. The landscape they used was beautiful. However, I found that they cut Tom Bombadil from the movie, and he was my favorite charactor in the first book. Cutting him out is in my mind akin to cutting Fizban out of a Dragonlance movie if they make one. (They had better make a Dragonlance movie!)
While my roommate has found his obsession in LoTR, I have found mine in Harry Potter. I find that the books are much more suited to my style of fantasy. The preview for the fourth movie is out, and you can view it here. The forth movie looks great thus far, and even better, I should be finished with all my basic training by the time it comes out in theater. I'm definately going to catch the IMAX of it if they put it in that format.
What's Your EQ?
Your EQ is |
50 or less: Thanks for answering honestly. Now get yourself a shrink, quick! 51-70: When it comes to understanding human emotions, you'd have better luck understanding Chinese. 71-90: You've got more emotional intelligence than the average frat boy. Barely. 91-110: You're average. It's easy to predict how you'll react to things. But anyone could have guessed that. 111-130: You usually have it going on emotionally, but roadblocks tend to land you on your butt. 131-150: You are remarkable when it comes to relating with others. Only the biggest losers get under your skin. 150+: Two possibilities - you've either out "Dr. Phil-ed" Dr. Phil... or you're a dirty liar. |
okay, I scored a little lower than I thought, but hey, when you've only got two choices, you have to go with the one that's closer to how you would react. I'd have to say its pretty close to accurate though.
Life Happens
I arrived at MEPS today, and I got my pull ups in, I got my crunches in. I even made weight. However, on Saturday I managed to get a nice sized blister on my left big toe. It didn't hurt at the time, so I really didn't think much of it. On Sunday, it started to hurt but I could still walk normally so I mentioned it to my recruiter, but he didn't think it was a problem, so I didn't either. That night I ran three miles at the hotel and afterwards it started to hurt and some of the fluid had leaked out, it was swollen and discolored. I showed it to the Marines stationed at MEPS, as it hurt constantly and hurt more to put weight on it, and they told me to show it to the doctor. I showed it to her and she pushed me back another week. However, since no one is shipping next week, its going to be two to three weeks before I can head down to basic training.
I have decided to use this time to get better on my pull ups and crunches, as well as to lose a little more weight, which should give me a cushion for when I go back to MEPS.
- Andrew Aris (Ravencroft)
update: got my foot looked at and they lanced it and drained it, I'll be getting a pumas stone to take care of some caluses, and I should be back at MEPS in no time at all.
I have decided to use this time to get better on my pull ups and crunches, as well as to lose a little more weight, which should give me a cushion for when I go back to MEPS.
- Andrew Aris (Ravencroft)
update: got my foot looked at and they lanced it and drained it, I'll be getting a pumas stone to take care of some caluses, and I should be back at MEPS in no time at all.
Today's the day
Well, today's the day I've been preparing for these past couple of months. I'm off to MEPS (Military Enlistment Processing Station) tonight. Tomorrow is the final weigh in, I should make it no problem. I should have an easier time adjusting to the sleep schedule there, as I'll be three hours ahead of pacific time. I've enjoyed the brief time I've had blogging on here, and will miss my blog family. I suck at saying goodbye, even if its only a temporary one. I'll have R.R. post my boot camp address on here for anyone that's interested. Well, so long for now.
Semper Fi
Semper Fi
A Great Adventure pt. 4
Shadow arrived at his destination quickly, but was surprised to see that the female was already there, aparantly waiting for him.
"Thanotoas will be here within the hour," she told him. "Mind you, be respectful to your employer."
"Of course m'lady, I always show respect to those who pay me," Shadow replied. Unknown to either of them, the two guards had caught up to them, and were now on foot approaching silently.
Jael looked up suddenly and saw Leo.
"You're supposed to be dead," she told him. "I'll fix that now."
"I was dead, but within minutes, Astea brought myself and Tiny back to life," Leo replied evenly. "I do not think I shall let you win again, last time you had surprise on your side. This time you do not. I urge you both to surrender."
"I will never surrender to a stupid male," she spat, and lunged foreword with her sword. Leo parried the thrust easily with his bastard sword. The two continued to exchange thrusts and parries, while Tiny and Shadow watched the hypnotic dance of death. Leo was obviously the soupier swordsman, when suddenly there was a bright flash, and Thanotoas appeared in the midst of it. Both stopped fighting to look at the newcomer.
Easily towering over Tiny by around four feet, Thanotoas was intimidating to say the least. His greenish black hair fell to his shoulders. His eyes were crimson, and in them, darkness so deep that to stare into them caused regular men to go insane. He grinned wickedly as he looked upon the four. His helmet covered most of his face, making it hard to see anything else, and over that he had a cloak, masking most of his body as well. He turned his gaze upon Jael.
"I told thee to eliminate all of the royal family," Thanotoas scolded her. "Thou shalt pay a large price for failing in thy duty."
"My lord, there is not a member of the royal family left alive," Jael told him. "I killed each one myself except for the king, and saw him die at the young assassin's hands."
"The young prince was away, thou merely killed the prince's double," Thanotoas said evenly. "Thou should have made sure it was the prince by the birth mark on his left arm. But thou were sloppy, and for that you shall be punished severely."
"No my lord Thanotoas," Jael pleaded. "Please, don't!" Thanotoas muttered a few inaudible words, and flames sprang up and consumed Jael. She screamed in pain as they licked at her flesh. Shadow watched in shock as the woman who saved his life was reduced to ashes. The smell of burnt meat filled the air.
"I don't care if she killed the queen . . ." Tiny began evenly. "YOU NEVER, HURT A WOMAN!" Tiny rushed at Thanotoas, drawing his sword and hacking at Thanotoas with amazing speed, like none he had ever shown before. Fire surrounded Tiny's body as his rage increased, giving him power like none he'd ever experienced. His blade became white hot, but did not melt in the heat. Thanotoas, amazed at such a change, lost his left arm before he began to dodge the wild thrusts. He drew his sword with his other arm, and with one fast swipe, disarmed Tiny completely. He then swung with all his might at Tiny's skull, using the flat side of the blade. Tiny flew backwards a hundred feet, crashed into a tree, his body wrapped completely around it on impact, and the fell to the ground. He lay there in a crumpled heap, unconscious and dying. Thanotoas reached down and picked up his arm. He then promptly re-attached it. His arm healed as if it had never been removed in the first place. He then gestured with his left arm newly re-attached, and Jael's body was completely restored, with the exception of one new addition, a black outline of an eye was now visible on her forehead.
Seeing Tiny thrown back, Shadow came out of his shock enough to move. Without a word, he drew Alchaizer, and threw it straight at Thanotoas' heart. Thanotoas caught the blade and threw it back, the blade cut threw Shadows chest, stopping only because the hilt prevented it from going farther. The force caused shadow to fly backwards, impaling him against a tree. With the last of his strength, Shadow removed the blade, it had pierced a lung, and he was slowly suffocating.
"Dost thou also wish to go against me?" Thanotoas said, looking at Leo. "Dost wish to join thy friends?"
"As much as I would like to," Leo states, feeling no fear. "I will not throw my life away in vain after getting it back so soon. I have a feeling we shall meet again, and then I shall be strong enough to completely destroy you."
"I am gladdened to see that there are still wise people left. As far as the girl is concerned, she is still alive. She belongs to me now," Thanotoas said, and with that, he and Jael vanished without a trace.
Leo rushed over to Tiny, to see if how he was.
"Leo . . . my . . . brother," Tiny started. "Do . . . you . . . think that . . . Astea will restore . . . me . . . again?" Tiny lost consciousness before he could reply.
Anger and grief welled up inside of Leo. It grew to where he could hold it in no more. It filled his being. Leo looked up into the sky and yelled. As he did so, energy was released his body, and entered both Tiny and Shadow. All three fell into a deep sleep as the healing process takes place, Leo was completely unaware of the power he just unleashed from his body.
* * *
Leo woke with a pounding headache. When he opened his eyes, what he saw surprised him.
"Kit!" Leo smiled at the site of his love. "What are you doing here?"
"Leo, I sensed that you were in trouble, and knew that I had to come to your side," Kit explained. "Remember, we promised that we would be there for each other if the other had need, so I came." Friends since childhood, it was only natural for the two to fall in love. They had gone everywhere together, and had even trained together. Kit was the only one who could match Leo in speed, and Leo always said that she was much faster, but held back to give him a chance. Kit always denied that she held any thing back in their training together. A very athletic body type, Kit favored light chain mail to the plate mail that Leo wore. She stood only a foot shorter than Raven, very tall for a woman. Strapped to her back she had a four foot single handed sword with a silver hilt, engraved upon it was the same image as on Leo's blade. The blade itself was made of the titanium as well, and it was said that Astea had Flint, god of the forge, make these two weapons from the same block of titanium, which was why they could sense when the other had need them. A raven flew from the branch of a tree nearby and landed on Leo.
"Tika, I'm glad to see you are well," Leo said to her. "Have you been watching over Kitiara for me?" Tika cawed in affirmation. "Thank you; you are a great friend to me." Tika gave Leo an affectionate peck with her beak.
"It's great to see you again my love," Leo smiled softly. "But Tiny . . ."
"Is doing just fine," Tiny called over to him. You've been asleep for the last five hours."
"And the assassin?" Leo asked. "What about him?"
"He disappeared before I could gather the wits to stop him," Tiny looked down at his feet, embarrassed.
"Don't worry my friend, though it seems Astea has a plan for him as well, if he is alive and well, after so grievous a wound as the one dealt him by Thanotoas. We shall go back to the castle, and prepare for a way to destroy this new evil."
"Sounds like an adventure, I think I'll be coming with you Leo," Kit told him.
"Kit. . . I don't know, this guy is pretty dangerous and . . . ," Leo started.
"You know full well that I'm as fast as you are, and that I would be a great asset to your team. I'm going and that's final!" Kit said crossly, but with a faint twinkle in her eye.
"Kit you never let me finish," Leo said hastily. "I was going to say it's dangerous, and so I was going to suggest that we needed as much help as we can get." Tiny laughed at the way Kit had manipulated Leo. Leo stood, and Tika took a perch on his left shoulder. The three mounted their horses, and headed back to the castle, not knowing that Shadow was following them from behind, on his own horse. He didn't forget that he owed Jael his life, and he meant to pay her back for that kindness, knowing somehow, that she was still alive.
"Thanotoas will be here within the hour," she told him. "Mind you, be respectful to your employer."
"Of course m'lady, I always show respect to those who pay me," Shadow replied. Unknown to either of them, the two guards had caught up to them, and were now on foot approaching silently.
Jael looked up suddenly and saw Leo.
"You're supposed to be dead," she told him. "I'll fix that now."
"I was dead, but within minutes, Astea brought myself and Tiny back to life," Leo replied evenly. "I do not think I shall let you win again, last time you had surprise on your side. This time you do not. I urge you both to surrender."
"I will never surrender to a stupid male," she spat, and lunged foreword with her sword. Leo parried the thrust easily with his bastard sword. The two continued to exchange thrusts and parries, while Tiny and Shadow watched the hypnotic dance of death. Leo was obviously the soupier swordsman, when suddenly there was a bright flash, and Thanotoas appeared in the midst of it. Both stopped fighting to look at the newcomer.
Easily towering over Tiny by around four feet, Thanotoas was intimidating to say the least. His greenish black hair fell to his shoulders. His eyes were crimson, and in them, darkness so deep that to stare into them caused regular men to go insane. He grinned wickedly as he looked upon the four. His helmet covered most of his face, making it hard to see anything else, and over that he had a cloak, masking most of his body as well. He turned his gaze upon Jael.
"I told thee to eliminate all of the royal family," Thanotoas scolded her. "Thou shalt pay a large price for failing in thy duty."
"My lord, there is not a member of the royal family left alive," Jael told him. "I killed each one myself except for the king, and saw him die at the young assassin's hands."
"The young prince was away, thou merely killed the prince's double," Thanotoas said evenly. "Thou should have made sure it was the prince by the birth mark on his left arm. But thou were sloppy, and for that you shall be punished severely."
"No my lord Thanotoas," Jael pleaded. "Please, don't!" Thanotoas muttered a few inaudible words, and flames sprang up and consumed Jael. She screamed in pain as they licked at her flesh. Shadow watched in shock as the woman who saved his life was reduced to ashes. The smell of burnt meat filled the air.
"I don't care if she killed the queen . . ." Tiny began evenly. "YOU NEVER, HURT A WOMAN!" Tiny rushed at Thanotoas, drawing his sword and hacking at Thanotoas with amazing speed, like none he had ever shown before. Fire surrounded Tiny's body as his rage increased, giving him power like none he'd ever experienced. His blade became white hot, but did not melt in the heat. Thanotoas, amazed at such a change, lost his left arm before he began to dodge the wild thrusts. He drew his sword with his other arm, and with one fast swipe, disarmed Tiny completely. He then swung with all his might at Tiny's skull, using the flat side of the blade. Tiny flew backwards a hundred feet, crashed into a tree, his body wrapped completely around it on impact, and the fell to the ground. He lay there in a crumpled heap, unconscious and dying. Thanotoas reached down and picked up his arm. He then promptly re-attached it. His arm healed as if it had never been removed in the first place. He then gestured with his left arm newly re-attached, and Jael's body was completely restored, with the exception of one new addition, a black outline of an eye was now visible on her forehead.
Seeing Tiny thrown back, Shadow came out of his shock enough to move. Without a word, he drew Alchaizer, and threw it straight at Thanotoas' heart. Thanotoas caught the blade and threw it back, the blade cut threw Shadows chest, stopping only because the hilt prevented it from going farther. The force caused shadow to fly backwards, impaling him against a tree. With the last of his strength, Shadow removed the blade, it had pierced a lung, and he was slowly suffocating.
"Dost thou also wish to go against me?" Thanotoas said, looking at Leo. "Dost wish to join thy friends?"
"As much as I would like to," Leo states, feeling no fear. "I will not throw my life away in vain after getting it back so soon. I have a feeling we shall meet again, and then I shall be strong enough to completely destroy you."
"I am gladdened to see that there are still wise people left. As far as the girl is concerned, she is still alive. She belongs to me now," Thanotoas said, and with that, he and Jael vanished without a trace.
Leo rushed over to Tiny, to see if how he was.
"Leo . . . my . . . brother," Tiny started. "Do . . . you . . . think that . . . Astea will restore . . . me . . . again?" Tiny lost consciousness before he could reply.
Anger and grief welled up inside of Leo. It grew to where he could hold it in no more. It filled his being. Leo looked up into the sky and yelled. As he did so, energy was released his body, and entered both Tiny and Shadow. All three fell into a deep sleep as the healing process takes place, Leo was completely unaware of the power he just unleashed from his body.
* * *
Leo woke with a pounding headache. When he opened his eyes, what he saw surprised him.
"Kit!" Leo smiled at the site of his love. "What are you doing here?"
"Leo, I sensed that you were in trouble, and knew that I had to come to your side," Kit explained. "Remember, we promised that we would be there for each other if the other had need, so I came." Friends since childhood, it was only natural for the two to fall in love. They had gone everywhere together, and had even trained together. Kit was the only one who could match Leo in speed, and Leo always said that she was much faster, but held back to give him a chance. Kit always denied that she held any thing back in their training together. A very athletic body type, Kit favored light chain mail to the plate mail that Leo wore. She stood only a foot shorter than Raven, very tall for a woman. Strapped to her back she had a four foot single handed sword with a silver hilt, engraved upon it was the same image as on Leo's blade. The blade itself was made of the titanium as well, and it was said that Astea had Flint, god of the forge, make these two weapons from the same block of titanium, which was why they could sense when the other had need them. A raven flew from the branch of a tree nearby and landed on Leo.
"Tika, I'm glad to see you are well," Leo said to her. "Have you been watching over Kitiara for me?" Tika cawed in affirmation. "Thank you; you are a great friend to me." Tika gave Leo an affectionate peck with her beak.
"It's great to see you again my love," Leo smiled softly. "But Tiny . . ."
"Is doing just fine," Tiny called over to him. You've been asleep for the last five hours."
"And the assassin?" Leo asked. "What about him?"
"He disappeared before I could gather the wits to stop him," Tiny looked down at his feet, embarrassed.
"Don't worry my friend, though it seems Astea has a plan for him as well, if he is alive and well, after so grievous a wound as the one dealt him by Thanotoas. We shall go back to the castle, and prepare for a way to destroy this new evil."
"Sounds like an adventure, I think I'll be coming with you Leo," Kit told him.
"Kit. . . I don't know, this guy is pretty dangerous and . . . ," Leo started.
"You know full well that I'm as fast as you are, and that I would be a great asset to your team. I'm going and that's final!" Kit said crossly, but with a faint twinkle in her eye.
"Kit you never let me finish," Leo said hastily. "I was going to say it's dangerous, and so I was going to suggest that we needed as much help as we can get." Tiny laughed at the way Kit had manipulated Leo. Leo stood, and Tika took a perch on his left shoulder. The three mounted their horses, and headed back to the castle, not knowing that Shadow was following them from behind, on his own horse. He didn't forget that he owed Jael his life, and he meant to pay her back for that kindness, knowing somehow, that she was still alive.
First Post......
we'll see how this goes. I don't currently have my own blog as I'm still a bit old fashioned in the sense that I still keep a notebook with my journaled thoughts. that and I'm lazy enough that my blog would probably only be updated when some earth shattering event happened in my life.......which thankfully, isn't all that often.
anyway, Andrew has asked me to keep his blog up to date while he's gone for training. I'm really excited about this and hopefully won't bore anyone to death while he's gone..........and try your worst, I don't I'll be scared away that easily. :)
whether I continue my own blog after this......who knows. maybe I'll actually be motivated enough at some point to get my home computer finished. ;)
anyway, Andrew has asked me to keep his blog up to date while he's gone for training. I'm really excited about this and hopefully won't bore anyone to death while he's gone..........and try your worst, I don't I'll be scared away that easily. :)
whether I continue my own blog after this......who knows. maybe I'll actually be motivated enough at some point to get my home computer finished. ;)
Repair Blues pt. 2
Well, I got a call from my father today that my car was all fixed up and ready to go. Apparantly, there was a hole in the transmission. How it got there, I'm not sure. Well, the hole got patched, so I and a roommate drove the fifty minutes to an hour down 96 to go and get it. We get there, and I drive it back with him behind me, just in case.
Everything's going fine until we get to Meijer, because I need to get some things from the store. I put it in park, and there's smoke coming out from under my hood, and it smells of burning transmission fluid, which doesn't smell good. My dad had told me there might be some excess leaked fluid that needs to burn off, so I didn't think too much of it, but decided I should check the fluid level just in case. I pull out the dipstick, and wipe it off, and then stick it back in and pull it back out to check the level, and see nothing on the stick.
My roommate grabs his flashlight, and we try again just in case it was too dark to see anything with the first check. Sure enough, there's a small bit at the very bottom of the stick. Not good. He hands me the flashlight, and I get down on the ground and point the light under the car, sure enough, there's red fluid on the ground, and as I watch, more of it drips to the ground.
So once more I'm rendered car-less, (similar to care-less, but there's no 'e,' and in this case I'm missing an automobile as opposed to emotion.) However, this time the car is, for me, running distance away, so if it gets fixed tomorrow, I can just run to it rather than recruit a roommate to be my chauffer.
Everything's going fine until we get to Meijer, because I need to get some things from the store. I put it in park, and there's smoke coming out from under my hood, and it smells of burning transmission fluid, which doesn't smell good. My dad had told me there might be some excess leaked fluid that needs to burn off, so I didn't think too much of it, but decided I should check the fluid level just in case. I pull out the dipstick, and wipe it off, and then stick it back in and pull it back out to check the level, and see nothing on the stick.
My roommate grabs his flashlight, and we try again just in case it was too dark to see anything with the first check. Sure enough, there's a small bit at the very bottom of the stick. Not good. He hands me the flashlight, and I get down on the ground and point the light under the car, sure enough, there's red fluid on the ground, and as I watch, more of it drips to the ground.
So once more I'm rendered car-less, (similar to care-less, but there's no 'e,' and in this case I'm missing an automobile as opposed to emotion.) However, this time the car is, for me, running distance away, so if it gets fixed tomorrow, I can just run to it rather than recruit a roommate to be my chauffer.
The Start of A Great Adventure pt. 3
okay, I lied, there's still some parts left to post after this one, I'll post the next part just before I pack up my computer for storage.
Unknown to either Assassin, two of the guards were still very much alive. They both stood up cautiously, somewhat unsteady after being knocked out. The larger of the two goes and checks the other guards for signs of life, while the other locates the tracks that the assassins left. He found them, at the base of the wall of the castle right outside the window to the king's room. Both of them headed south.
"Tiny, get over here fast!" he yelled to his partner. "The tracks are still fresh enough that neither has much of a lead on us."
"Sure thing Leo," Tiny called back, as he leapt out the window, falling thirty five feet, and landing lightly, a foot away from the smaller guard. At eight feet, he was the tallest guard in the king's service, and quickly gained respect from the other guards. His short hair had the effect of making his head seem on fire, and it didn't help that it was yellowish orange, and for some strange reason, was near blue at the base of the hair. He had light green eyes that glowed with an inner flame. He had a dark allover tan, even though his armor covered most all his body. He had a handsome face, but was extremely modest and unsure around women. A former mercenary, he was quite skilled with every blade known at that time, but favored a large two handed cleaver, made with him in mind, the blade was six feet long, and a foot wide along its length, a single sided blade that ended in a point. He had ended his mercenary career for a steady paying position. There was not much need for a mercenary in these times of peace.
"Tiny, you really need to stop doing that," Leo scolded him, though his slight smile gave him away. Being seven feet tall, Leo was the only guard able to give Tiny a good match, the others being to short to be much of a challenge, because even though tall and strong, Tiny was also extremely fast. Leo was the only guard that was faster than Tiny and that only by a small degree. The two had become like brothers over the years they worked together. He had long, icy blue hair down to his middle back. His eyes were like that of gold spun with silver, and they showed wisdom beyond they're years. Unlike his human friend, his pupils were like those of a cat's. His ears were pointed as an elf's, but were slightly longer. Of his ancestry, he knew that he was half-elf, and part human, but he didn't know how much was human, nor what the rest of his heritage was. Leo's sword was a hand and a half bastard sword, its blade was made of titanium, a very rare metal in his day, lined with diamond along the blade edges it was quite sharp. Engraved upon the blade was an emblem of a raven holding a rose. Personally charged by Astea, goddess of wisdom and goodness, in a dream sent to him at a young age, he became a paladin to the last king of Crecinia, the nation they were now in, and served faithfully at the king's side to his death. Both Tiny and Leo were known for their honor and their chivalry.
A guard rushed up to Leo.
"Sir, it has been reported that the entire royal family was slain," the young man said.
"Not entirely. The prince has been away studying afar for the past few months. His double was the one slain," Leo reported. "Send a messenger and five score of guards to Panax. He shall have to return and take the thrown."
The Guard rushed of to do as he was told.
"Leo, why is it everyone else died except for we two?" Tiny asked him. "By all rights, we should be dead."
"Tiny, that is a question that we may never know the answer to," Leo replied. "It may have been that Astea interceded at our deaths and healed us. This would mean that we have some destiny yet to fulfill."
"Astea is mighty indeed then, to be able to reverse death," Tiny observed. Leo nodded in agreement, then put two fingers to his mouth and whistled long and hard. When his whistle died down, the galloping of horse could be heard not far off.
"Come, we must follow quickly, before the trail gets too cold to follow," Leo told him. Two horses arrived, somehow already knowing that there would be excitement tonight, and both were eager for it as they pranced up to the two soldiers. Without another word, they both mounted, and were off with a flash. They would catch up to the two assassins within the hour.
Unknown to either Assassin, two of the guards were still very much alive. They both stood up cautiously, somewhat unsteady after being knocked out. The larger of the two goes and checks the other guards for signs of life, while the other locates the tracks that the assassins left. He found them, at the base of the wall of the castle right outside the window to the king's room. Both of them headed south.
"Tiny, get over here fast!" he yelled to his partner. "The tracks are still fresh enough that neither has much of a lead on us."
"Sure thing Leo," Tiny called back, as he leapt out the window, falling thirty five feet, and landing lightly, a foot away from the smaller guard. At eight feet, he was the tallest guard in the king's service, and quickly gained respect from the other guards. His short hair had the effect of making his head seem on fire, and it didn't help that it was yellowish orange, and for some strange reason, was near blue at the base of the hair. He had light green eyes that glowed with an inner flame. He had a dark allover tan, even though his armor covered most all his body. He had a handsome face, but was extremely modest and unsure around women. A former mercenary, he was quite skilled with every blade known at that time, but favored a large two handed cleaver, made with him in mind, the blade was six feet long, and a foot wide along its length, a single sided blade that ended in a point. He had ended his mercenary career for a steady paying position. There was not much need for a mercenary in these times of peace.
"Tiny, you really need to stop doing that," Leo scolded him, though his slight smile gave him away. Being seven feet tall, Leo was the only guard able to give Tiny a good match, the others being to short to be much of a challenge, because even though tall and strong, Tiny was also extremely fast. Leo was the only guard that was faster than Tiny and that only by a small degree. The two had become like brothers over the years they worked together. He had long, icy blue hair down to his middle back. His eyes were like that of gold spun with silver, and they showed wisdom beyond they're years. Unlike his human friend, his pupils were like those of a cat's. His ears were pointed as an elf's, but were slightly longer. Of his ancestry, he knew that he was half-elf, and part human, but he didn't know how much was human, nor what the rest of his heritage was. Leo's sword was a hand and a half bastard sword, its blade was made of titanium, a very rare metal in his day, lined with diamond along the blade edges it was quite sharp. Engraved upon the blade was an emblem of a raven holding a rose. Personally charged by Astea, goddess of wisdom and goodness, in a dream sent to him at a young age, he became a paladin to the last king of Crecinia, the nation they were now in, and served faithfully at the king's side to his death. Both Tiny and Leo were known for their honor and their chivalry.
A guard rushed up to Leo.
"Sir, it has been reported that the entire royal family was slain," the young man said.
"Not entirely. The prince has been away studying afar for the past few months. His double was the one slain," Leo reported. "Send a messenger and five score of guards to Panax. He shall have to return and take the thrown."
The Guard rushed of to do as he was told.
"Leo, why is it everyone else died except for we two?" Tiny asked him. "By all rights, we should be dead."
"Tiny, that is a question that we may never know the answer to," Leo replied. "It may have been that Astea interceded at our deaths and healed us. This would mean that we have some destiny yet to fulfill."
"Astea is mighty indeed then, to be able to reverse death," Tiny observed. Leo nodded in agreement, then put two fingers to his mouth and whistled long and hard. When his whistle died down, the galloping of horse could be heard not far off.
"Come, we must follow quickly, before the trail gets too cold to follow," Leo told him. Two horses arrived, somehow already knowing that there would be excitement tonight, and both were eager for it as they pranced up to the two soldiers. Without another word, they both mounted, and were off with a flash. They would catch up to the two assassins within the hour.
As I'm leaving Monday . . .
Be looking for a post from my temporary replacement sometime soon. She's a good friend of mine from the east side of the state. As to if she continues with a blog after I get back, I don't know. It will be up to her, so be nice to her and try not to scare her off.
Today or Saturday I will post part 3 of the story, which will be the last part I post until after I get back from processing.
Today or Saturday I will post part 3 of the story, which will be the last part I post until after I get back from processing.
I found this quote and took it from this site.
"THE UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS... is over 225 years of romping, stomping, hell, death and destruction. The finest fighting machine the world has ever seen. We were born in a Bomb Crater, Our Mother was an M-16 & Our Father was the Devil. Each moment that I live is an additional threat upon your life. I am a rough looking, roving soldier of the sea. I am cocky, self-centered, overbearing, and do not know the meaning of fear, for I am fear itself. I am a green amphibious monster, made of blood and guts, who arose from the sea, feasting on anti-Americans throughout the globe. Whenever it may arise, and when my time comes, I will die a glorious death on the battlefield, giving my life for Mom, the Corps, and the American Flag. We stole the eagle from the Air Force, the anchor from the Navy, and the rope from the Army. On the 7th day, while God rested, we over-ran his perimeter and stole the globe, and we've been running the show ever since. We live like soldiers and talk like sailors and slap the Hell out of both of them. Marine by day, lover by night, drunkard by choice, MARINE BY GOD!!! OORAH!!!"
"THE UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS... is over 225 years of romping, stomping, hell, death and destruction. The finest fighting machine the world has ever seen. We were born in a Bomb Crater, Our Mother was an M-16 & Our Father was the Devil. Each moment that I live is an additional threat upon your life. I am a rough looking, roving soldier of the sea. I am cocky, self-centered, overbearing, and do not know the meaning of fear, for I am fear itself. I am a green amphibious monster, made of blood and guts, who arose from the sea, feasting on anti-Americans throughout the globe. Whenever it may arise, and when my time comes, I will die a glorious death on the battlefield, giving my life for Mom, the Corps, and the American Flag. We stole the eagle from the Air Force, the anchor from the Navy, and the rope from the Army. On the 7th day, while God rested, we over-ran his perimeter and stole the globe, and we've been running the show ever since. We live like soldiers and talk like sailors and slap the Hell out of both of them. Marine by day, lover by night, drunkard by choice, MARINE BY GOD!!! OORAH!!!"
Repair Blues
Well, I've come to discover that transmission fluid is vitally important to a car's acceleration. I was driving back from Lapeer where I was visiting a friend, and I managed to get all the way to the interchange between 69W and 96W when my car suddenly stopped accelerating. I tried a couple times to get the car to accelerate (the engine was still running quite nicely) but it just didn't want to go anywhere. I put it in a lower gear, and I started to pick up speed again, but then I noticed smoke/steam coming out from under my hood. Figuring that this was decidedly not a good thing, I turned the car off, put it in nuetral, and pushed it the rest of the was off the road, emergency flashers blinking and power steering no longer functioning properly. (my training to get ready for the marines is already paying off) I called my friend back in Lapeer to let her know that I was going to be somewhat delayed with my, "I made it home safe" message, and then called my roommates to see about getting a ride. One roommate was at work, the other two were at someone's house waiting for when they would go to Studio 28 to see the new Star Wars Movie. Needless to say, I wasn't happy about the fact that rather than help out their roommate, who was in trouble, they decided to go see a movie. I then called another friend of mine, who happened to be out on a date with her boyfriend at the time (I'd met him previously, and he's pretty cool) and they were nice enough to drive an hour out to the middle of nowhere to come and get me. As a way of thanks, I paid for a full tank of gas when we got back to the area. I don't think I'll be staying at this house when I get back to Grand Rapids after basic training (outside of the week between basic training and my MOS school that I've already paid for) I'm going to talk to my third roommate, the one moving out, about moving over there when I get back, I understand its a better deal anyway.
The nice thing about the car breaking down was that it happened now when I'm leaving soon anyway, as opposed to a couple of weeks ago or at a time when I really needed a car.
The nice thing about the car breaking down was that it happened now when I'm leaving soon anyway, as opposed to a couple of weeks ago or at a time when I really needed a car.
Time To Weigh In
Okay, once again, go here for the reference, and then read this. (I still haven't bothered with trackback-- kinda tired I guess . . .)
I went in today, and weight at the office. I've been maintaining a steady 206. After running 3 miles today, I weighed in wearing only my socks, and it was about 202 1/2- 203, Gunny then had me weigh in again wearing socks and boxer shorts (can't stand briefs anymore) and it was just under 204.
Look for the final part of the story before I leave. I'll continue the story after I get back from processing
I went in today, and weight at the office. I've been maintaining a steady 206. After running 3 miles today, I weighed in wearing only my socks, and it was about 202 1/2- 203, Gunny then had me weigh in again wearing socks and boxer shorts (can't stand briefs anymore) and it was just under 204.
Look for the final part of the story before I leave. I'll continue the story after I get back from processing
It's just one week (and then its Thirteen)
Yesterday was the point where I had exactly one week before I ship out to boot camp. I really can't wait to go, but now that it's this close, I'm a little scared. I'm going to be committing to this for eight years. Eight years of my life will be spent in service to my country, in defending the constitution, going to the enemy to protect the people I love most. It scares me because I've never undertaken such a responsibility before. I've never made such a big commitment. I'm scared because I'm not sure I truly have what it takes to become a marine. I'm worried that I'll freeze up at the wrong moment, that I'll make a mistake that will cost one of my brothers or my sisters their life.
I know that this is just a temporary feeling, and that I will become a great marine, but the feeling is there all the same. I understand that the thirteen weeks I'll be there are to make me into a marine. I understand that they won't graduate me unless I can perform my duty well. I understand that as long as I don't give up, they won't give up on me.
These feelings are still there. I can't quit, because I've given my word. I never break my word. Having come this far, I know that if I were to turn back now, I could never forgive myself. I know that the people who love me would understand, I know that more than a few of them would be relieved. But I can not now give up. I refuse to give up, and I will become a marine.
I know that this is just a temporary feeling, and that I will become a great marine, but the feeling is there all the same. I understand that the thirteen weeks I'll be there are to make me into a marine. I understand that they won't graduate me unless I can perform my duty well. I understand that as long as I don't give up, they won't give up on me.
These feelings are still there. I can't quit, because I've given my word. I never break my word. Having come this far, I know that if I were to turn back now, I could never forgive myself. I know that the people who love me would understand, I know that more than a few of them would be relieved. But I can not now give up. I refuse to give up, and I will become a marine.
Some of those fun internet quizes
Your Deadly Sins |
Wrath: 40% |
Envy: 20% |
Pride: 20% |
Sloth: 20% |
Gluttony: 0% |
Greed: 0% |
Lust: 0% |
Chance You'll Go to Hell: 14% |
You will die, after conquering the world as an evil dictator. |
They're right, I do want to take over the world. I'll start as president of the United States though . . .
The Keys to Your Heart |
You are attracted to those who are unbridled, untrammeled, and free. |
In love, you feel the most alive when things are straight-forward, and you're told that you're loved. |
You'd like to your lover to think you are stylish and alluring. |
You would be forced to break up with someone who was insecure and in constant need of reassurance. |
Your ideal relationship is lasting. You want a relationship that looks to the future... one you can grow with. |
Your risk of cheating is zero. You care about society and morality. You would never break a commitment. |
You think of marriage as something precious. You'll treasure marriage and treat it as sacred. |
In this moment, you think of love as something you thirst for. You'll do anything for love, but you won't fall for it easily. |
well, its not innaccurate . . .
Your Seduction Style: The Natural |
![]() You don't really try to seduce people... it just seems to happen. Fun loving and free spirited, you bring out the inner child in people. You are spontaneous, sincere, and unpretentious - a hard combo to find! People drop their guard around you, and find themselves falling fast. |
I've gotten into trouble with boyfriends, fathers, the girl's uncle (name a male figure in their life) because of this . . .
post your results in the comments.
It was a pretty good day . . .
Overall, I had a pretty good day today. My roommates didn't get on my nerves, I recieved no annoying phone calls, I even went running and was feeling good from the endorphines or whatever chemicals that got released from that. I got home, opened a gallon of water and started drinking it. I then log on to the internet, my home page opens up, and I see this news story I usually don't pay these much attention, thinking, gee, liberal news media got caught lying again. For some reason, I actually read this one.
reaction: This just ticked me off. The original intent of the first article was to attack the military, and in this case, people died and got injured. The worse part is that they didn't even verify to make sure that it was true.
"Newsweek reported that Pentagon spokesman Lawrence DiRita reacted angrily when the magazine asked about the source's continued assertion that he had read about the Koran incident in an investigative report. 'People are dead because of what this son of a bitch said. How could he be credible now?' DiRita told Newsweek."
Well, we can be assured that Newsweek is still credible, after all, they only published the false story, they didn't make it up in the first place.
"'We regret that we got any part of our story wrong, and extend our sympathies to victims of the violence and to the U.S. soldiers caught in its midst,' Whitaker wrote in the magazine's latest issue, due to appear on U.S. newsstands on Monday."
Yeah, I regret it to. Because of your irresponsibility, people died. Maybe now they'll be more careful about what they publish in their magazine, but I doubt it. It's hard to remain positive about the world, or just a positive person in general, when you read things like this.
reaction: This just ticked me off. The original intent of the first article was to attack the military, and in this case, people died and got injured. The worse part is that they didn't even verify to make sure that it was true.
"Newsweek reported that Pentagon spokesman Lawrence DiRita reacted angrily when the magazine asked about the source's continued assertion that he had read about the Koran incident in an investigative report. 'People are dead because of what this son of a bitch said. How could he be credible now?' DiRita told Newsweek."
Well, we can be assured that Newsweek is still credible, after all, they only published the false story, they didn't make it up in the first place.
"'We regret that we got any part of our story wrong, and extend our sympathies to victims of the violence and to the U.S. soldiers caught in its midst,' Whitaker wrote in the magazine's latest issue, due to appear on U.S. newsstands on Monday."
Yeah, I regret it to. Because of your irresponsibility, people died. Maybe now they'll be more careful about what they publish in their magazine, but I doubt it. It's hard to remain positive about the world, or just a positive person in general, when you read things like this.
USMC related
Fifth Third River Bank Run
Saturday, May 14th was the annual Fifth Third River Bank Run, a 5K (3 mile) race through downtown Grand Rapids. There was also a 25K race, but USMC RSS Grand Rapids didn't participate in that so I won't be talking about it.
I woke up at 05:00, and got dressed and shaved and headed down to the Recruiting office and joined my fellow poolees in getting ready for the event (pinning the numbers to our backs and attaching the tracking chips to our shoes. Everyone was supposed to arrive in our red shirts and black shorts, but some didn't have these. At about 07:00 the 27 poolees and 6 marines packed into 3 vehicles and headed to down town Grand Rapids to a parking lot about a mile from the start. We then got into formation and double timed down to the starting line in the pouring rain calling cadence, when we ran past a large group of people, they started cheering and clapping. We then stood in formation for about thirty minutes until the race started.
We stood at attention for the National Anthem, and when the race finally started, we ran in formation along the route calling cadence. Overall it was a lot of fun, and we finished in about 34 minutes, when you run in formation, you run at the slowest guys pace. No one fell out during the run, or on the way back afterwards.
It felt good to hear people cheering for us, we all know that there are people who support the Military, but its great when there are so many of them cheering for the Military.
The only thing that would have made it better is if the other branches had represented themselves there and run with us. It would have been fun calling cadence back and forth with them. Maybe the other recruiting offices were there and we just didn't see them, I don't know.
I woke up at 05:00, and got dressed and shaved and headed down to the Recruiting office and joined my fellow poolees in getting ready for the event (pinning the numbers to our backs and attaching the tracking chips to our shoes. Everyone was supposed to arrive in our red shirts and black shorts, but some didn't have these. At about 07:00 the 27 poolees and 6 marines packed into 3 vehicles and headed to down town Grand Rapids to a parking lot about a mile from the start. We then got into formation and double timed down to the starting line in the pouring rain calling cadence, when we ran past a large group of people, they started cheering and clapping. We then stood in formation for about thirty minutes until the race started.
We stood at attention for the National Anthem, and when the race finally started, we ran in formation along the route calling cadence. Overall it was a lot of fun, and we finished in about 34 minutes, when you run in formation, you run at the slowest guys pace. No one fell out during the run, or on the way back afterwards.
It felt good to hear people cheering for us, we all know that there are people who support the Military, but its great when there are so many of them cheering for the Military.
The only thing that would have made it better is if the other branches had represented themselves there and run with us. It would have been fun calling cadence back and forth with them. Maybe the other recruiting offices were there and we just didn't see them, I don't know.
Madame Ellen's Horrorscopes
Okay, I don't believe in this sort of thing, but these are funny:
TAURUS (April 20-May 20)
There are no stupid questions. Except maybe "Wanna see me tease this bear?"
GEMINI (May 21-June 21)
You’re not one to mince words. Just rats.
CANCER (June 22-July 22)
You’re one in a million this month, since those are the odds that you’ll be struck by lightning.
LEO (July 23-August 22)
Your idea will look good on paper. But will it look good on rock and scissors?
VIRGO (August 23-September 22)
Someone you know will rise to the occasion this month. You will be surprised when it is your Uncle Chester, and the occasion is your Uncle Chester’s funeral.
LIBRA (September 23-October 21)
Everything is finally going your way! Your skin cleared up, school was canceled, the best time of your life is at hand. Too bad it’s opposite day, huh?
SCORPIO (October 23-November 21)
Curiosity killed the cat. You just aided and abetted curiosity.
SAGITTARIUS (November 22-December 21)
Before you offend someone else, hold your tongue. Before you offend your taste buds, wash your hands.
CAPRICORN (December 22-January 19)
This month, put your money where your mouth is. On your face.
AQUARIUS (January 20-February 18)
You’ve been letting some important things slide recently, like your little brother down the garbage chute.
PISCES (February 19-March 20)
You’re a natural leader. Guiding the neighborhood kids into that quicksand was pure genius.
ARIES (March 21-April 19)
You’re not one for small talk.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20)
There are no stupid questions. Except maybe "Wanna see me tease this bear?"
GEMINI (May 21-June 21)
You’re not one to mince words. Just rats.
CANCER (June 22-July 22)
You’re one in a million this month, since those are the odds that you’ll be struck by lightning.
LEO (July 23-August 22)
Your idea will look good on paper. But will it look good on rock and scissors?
VIRGO (August 23-September 22)
Someone you know will rise to the occasion this month. You will be surprised when it is your Uncle Chester, and the occasion is your Uncle Chester’s funeral.
LIBRA (September 23-October 21)
Everything is finally going your way! Your skin cleared up, school was canceled, the best time of your life is at hand. Too bad it’s opposite day, huh?
SCORPIO (October 23-November 21)
Curiosity killed the cat. You just aided and abetted curiosity.
SAGITTARIUS (November 22-December 21)
Before you offend someone else, hold your tongue. Before you offend your taste buds, wash your hands.
CAPRICORN (December 22-January 19)
This month, put your money where your mouth is. On your face.
AQUARIUS (January 20-February 18)
You’ve been letting some important things slide recently, like your little brother down the garbage chute.
PISCES (February 19-March 20)
You’re a natural leader. Guiding the neighborhood kids into that quicksand was pure genius.
ARIES (March 21-April 19)
You’re not one for small talk.
Weight Loss Goals
okay, so go here, then read this, or read this first. but if you read the other thing first, it might make more sense.
This morning I weighed in at 210. After excercising: running, pull-ups, push-ups, and 6 minutes (two minutes each set) on the punching bag, I dropped down to 208 1/2. I need to lose atleast another 9 pounds. Though I'm hoping to get down to 190.
on another note, how does trackback work?
This morning I weighed in at 210. After excercising: running, pull-ups, push-ups, and 6 minutes (two minutes each set) on the punching bag, I dropped down to 208 1/2. I need to lose atleast another 9 pounds. Though I'm hoping to get down to 190.
on another note, how does trackback work?
Here I sit all broke hearted, had to make a turd in a bucket but only . . .
Actually, the title hides the seriousness of the post. About a week or two before Valentine's Day, I got into two fights (for lack of a better phrase) with two of my friends in the same day, one of whom I considered my best friend. I've been mostly out of contact with them since then, and I'm trying to patch things up, or at the very least end things on a better note, with the one I consider to be my best friend, because even while things were headed to Hell in a handbasket, there was still a mutual respect with between us.
The result of this is that my heart was broken twice in the same day. And in order to protect myself I retreated completely away from my emotions. I lost my heart, and both my desire and my will to continue with my plan of enlisting in the Marines. The only reason I didn't quit was because I had given my word that I would enlist (I had already been sworn in at that point) and I never back down from my word. It became a lot harder to do what I needed to do in order to get into shape, and I'm paying the price for that now. I should be in much better condition than I am.
The other result is that I became much more cynical as well as becoming hard hearted towards others. I became apathetic towards my life and the lives of others outside of my family. Even today I have a hard time being concerned about other people, and customers at Meijer don't help any with the healing process.
A couple nights ago, I got in touch with my old drinking buddy, and we went down town and hit a couple bars. At the second place we went, I watched as one of the bartenders made a large fireball, it looked really cool (or hot) and was a little amused when I saw that half his face caught fire as well. He managed to put it out before getting too badly burned, though it did singe his hair a bit. After we left there, we were headed back to the parking ramp (no we weren't drunk, nor do I support driving drunk) to leave, when we came across a really drunk girl and an elderly drunk guy, both of whom had trouble walking without staggering all over the place. The girl asked us for directions to another bar about three or four blocks away, and rather than give them directions, we decided we'd take them there so they wouldn't get lost. For the first time in months I found myself actually concerned about someone. I was concerned about a girl I didn't even know. I stayed nearby when we got to the bar (she actually chose a spot near us) and by that time I was only drinking water so that I would be completely free of the affects of alcohol. My friend and I stayed long enough to make sure that they had a way home, even offered to drive them home if their ride didn't show.
Now I'm at two weeks before boot camp, and I'm just now started to gain back my desire to go. Words of encouragement, and especially my father calling me to tell me how proud he was that I had made the decision to join the Marines have helped re-affirm and strengthen my will to go. The events of the other night showed me that I am still capable of caring about others. I would really like to work things out with my best friend, as they are a huge motivation to me.
The result of this is that my heart was broken twice in the same day. And in order to protect myself I retreated completely away from my emotions. I lost my heart, and both my desire and my will to continue with my plan of enlisting in the Marines. The only reason I didn't quit was because I had given my word that I would enlist (I had already been sworn in at that point) and I never back down from my word. It became a lot harder to do what I needed to do in order to get into shape, and I'm paying the price for that now. I should be in much better condition than I am.
The other result is that I became much more cynical as well as becoming hard hearted towards others. I became apathetic towards my life and the lives of others outside of my family. Even today I have a hard time being concerned about other people, and customers at Meijer don't help any with the healing process.
A couple nights ago, I got in touch with my old drinking buddy, and we went down town and hit a couple bars. At the second place we went, I watched as one of the bartenders made a large fireball, it looked really cool (or hot) and was a little amused when I saw that half his face caught fire as well. He managed to put it out before getting too badly burned, though it did singe his hair a bit. After we left there, we were headed back to the parking ramp (no we weren't drunk, nor do I support driving drunk) to leave, when we came across a really drunk girl and an elderly drunk guy, both of whom had trouble walking without staggering all over the place. The girl asked us for directions to another bar about three or four blocks away, and rather than give them directions, we decided we'd take them there so they wouldn't get lost. For the first time in months I found myself actually concerned about someone. I was concerned about a girl I didn't even know. I stayed nearby when we got to the bar (she actually chose a spot near us) and by that time I was only drinking water so that I would be completely free of the affects of alcohol. My friend and I stayed long enough to make sure that they had a way home, even offered to drive them home if their ride didn't show.
Now I'm at two weeks before boot camp, and I'm just now started to gain back my desire to go. Words of encouragement, and especially my father calling me to tell me how proud he was that I had made the decision to join the Marines have helped re-affirm and strengthen my will to go. The events of the other night showed me that I am still capable of caring about others. I would really like to work things out with my best friend, as they are a huge motivation to me.
The Marine
This was given to all the Poolees (before given the title Marine, you are a recruit, and before you are a recruit [after you're sworn in for delayed entry] you are a poolee) at the Marine Recruiting office in Grand Rapids a few weeks back, I've decided to share it with my readers. If fellow members of the blog family would make reference to it in some way (copy and paste it or link) I'd like to honor this Marine's request that everyone read it (or atleast as many people as possible)
We all came together,
Both young and old.
To fight for our freedom,
To stand and be bold.
In the midst of all evil,
We stand our ground,
And we protect our country
From terror all around.
Peace and not war
Is what some people say.
But I'll give my life,
So you can live the American way.
I give you the right
To talk of your peace.
To stand in your groups,
And protest in our streets.
But still I fight on,
I don't bitch, I don't whine.
I'm just one of the people
Who is doing your time.
I'm harder than nails,
Stronger than any machine.
I'm the immortal soldier,
So stand in my shoes,
And leave from your home.
Fight for the people who hate you,
With the protests they've shown.
Fight for the stranger,
Fight for the young. So they all may have,
The greatest freedom you've won.
Fight for the sick, Fight for the poor.
Fight for the cripple,
Who lives next door.
But when your time comes,
Do what I've done.
For if you stand for freedom,
You'll stand when the fight's done.
By: Corporal Aaron M. Gilbert US Marine
March 23, 2003
Hey Dad! Do me a favor and label this "The Marine"; and send it to everybody on your email list. Even leave this letter in it. I want this rolling all over the U.S. I want every home reading it. Every eye seeing it. And every heart to feel it. So can you please send this for me? I would but my email time isn't that long and I don't have much time anyway. You know what Dad? I wondered what it would be like to truly understand what JFK said in his inaugural speech. "When the time comes to lay down my life for my country, I do not cower from this responsibility. I welcome it" Well, now I know. And I do. Dad, I welcome the opportunity to do what I do. Even though I have left behind a beautiful wife, and I will miss the birth of our first born child, I would do it 70 times over to fight for the place that God had made for my home. I love you all and I miss you very much. I wish I could be there when Sandi Has our baby, but tell her that I love her, and Lord willing, I will be coming home soon. Give Mom and great big hug from me and give one to yourself too. Aaron.
If this touched you at all, send this on.
We all came together,
Both young and old.
To fight for our freedom,
To stand and be bold.
In the midst of all evil,
We stand our ground,
And we protect our country
From terror all around.
Peace and not war
Is what some people say.
But I'll give my life,
So you can live the American way.
I give you the right
To talk of your peace.
To stand in your groups,
And protest in our streets.
But still I fight on,
I don't bitch, I don't whine.
I'm just one of the people
Who is doing your time.
I'm harder than nails,
Stronger than any machine.
I'm the immortal soldier,
So stand in my shoes,
And leave from your home.
Fight for the people who hate you,
With the protests they've shown.
Fight for the stranger,
Fight for the young. So they all may have,
The greatest freedom you've won.
Fight for the sick, Fight for the poor.
Fight for the cripple,
Who lives next door.
But when your time comes,
Do what I've done.
For if you stand for freedom,
You'll stand when the fight's done.
By: Corporal Aaron M. Gilbert US Marine
March 23, 2003
Hey Dad! Do me a favor and label this "The Marine"; and send it to everybody on your email list. Even leave this letter in it. I want this rolling all over the U.S. I want every home reading it. Every eye seeing it. And every heart to feel it. So can you please send this for me? I would but my email time isn't that long and I don't have much time anyway. You know what Dad? I wondered what it would be like to truly understand what JFK said in his inaugural speech. "When the time comes to lay down my life for my country, I do not cower from this responsibility. I welcome it" Well, now I know. And I do. Dad, I welcome the opportunity to do what I do. Even though I have left behind a beautiful wife, and I will miss the birth of our first born child, I would do it 70 times over to fight for the place that God had made for my home. I love you all and I miss you very much. I wish I could be there when Sandi Has our baby, but tell her that I love her, and Lord willing, I will be coming home soon. Give Mom and great big hug from me and give one to yourself too. Aaron.
If this touched you at all, send this on.
Not in Texas!
Heard this one a couple days back during work when a friend came through my line with a large order.
A father watched his daughter playing in the garden. He smiled as he
reflected on how sweet and innocent his little girl was.
Suddenly she just stopped and stared at the ground. He went over to her and
noticed she was looking at two spiders mating.
"Daddy, what are those two spiders doing?" she asked.
"They're mating," her father replied.
"What do you call the spider on top, Daddy?" she asked.
"That's a Daddy Longlegs," her father answered.
"So, the other one is Mommy Longlegs?" the little girl asked.
"No," her father replied. "Both of them are Daddy Longlegs.
The little girl thought for a moment, then she stomped them flat and said
"Well, it might be okay in California, Vermont, and New York, but we're not having any of that shit in Texas."
A father watched his daughter playing in the garden. He smiled as he
reflected on how sweet and innocent his little girl was.
Suddenly she just stopped and stared at the ground. He went over to her and
noticed she was looking at two spiders mating.
"Daddy, what are those two spiders doing?" she asked.
"They're mating," her father replied.
"What do you call the spider on top, Daddy?" she asked.
"That's a Daddy Longlegs," her father answered.
"So, the other one is Mommy Longlegs?" the little girl asked.
"No," her father replied. "Both of them are Daddy Longlegs.
The little girl thought for a moment, then she stomped them flat and said
"Well, it might be okay in California, Vermont, and New York, but we're not having any of that shit in Texas."
The Start of A Great Adventure pt 2.
Okay, the next part of my story isn't written by me. I had started to do a collaboration with a girl named Reka at Cornerstone University however, things got put off as far as writing went (college is hard enough without the addition of writing a novel to it) and then we lost touch.
So here's what she's written. I'm considering opening it up again to making it a group collaboration, in which you, the reader, will email to me the next part of the story, and then I will post the winner's contribution in the next week's continuation of the story, along with their name. Leave feedback as far as that goes in the comments. That's all, so without further waiting, part 2 of the story:
The guards spotted Shadow only a split second before they saw the lifeless body of the king.
"Get that man!" one of them shouted. His cry brought more guards running. Shadow ran toward a curtain, thinking a window lay behind it. He was wrong, and this mistake could cost him his life. He pulled his sword and prepared to try and fight his way out of the nightmare in which he suddenly found himself.
Shadow didn't know it, but a second figure dressed in black was watching from a corner concealed in darkness. The figure shook its head and the long graceful arms crossed over its chest. The dark knowing green eyes took in the situation that had formed before them. Five guards had joined the original two. The young assassin was up against seven trained guards and none of his training had prepared him for that. He was an assassin, trained to be invisible, trained to silently kill his victim...one unaware, defenseless victim. The invisible figure pulled a small crossbow and aimed it at one of the guards. The small arrow flew straight and true. The guards were not wearing helmets and it had cost this guard his life. The second guard fell just after he saw his comrade go down.
"That's two," the figure pulled its sword and stepped out of the dark into the moon light. The figure was still invisible; the only indication of its position was the piercing green eyes from behind a black mask. Three guards fell on this new threat, one of them went down immediately.
Shadow caught a glimpse of the figure. He quickly turned so they were now back to back rather than facing each other.
"Four left friend," he said. The new comer shot him a glare. The guards advanced on the pair. Within five minutes the remaining four guards lay on the floor, dead.
"You're bleeding," Shadow said to the newcomer.
"You don't look so hot yourself," was the reply. The figure began to move silently and quickly toward the only window which lay on the opposite end of the room. Shadow stood frozen to the floor. The figure turned to look at him. "You had better follow me, the changing of the guard is in ten minutes, or do you actually want to get caught tonight?"
"You're a girl," Shadow said in shock.
"Yes I am, and apparently I am a better assassin than you." Suddenly, they heard footsteps in the hall and then a shout too muffled to make out. Without further communication the two made their way out the window and down to the ground. "There are horses waiting for us," the woman whispered. They quickly made their way to the waiting stallions, mounted, and rode off into the woods.
They had ridden hard for about and hour and a half before they stopped. She dismounted next to a small stream and gently guided her horse across. Once on the other side she knelt down and began to cleanse the wounds on her arm and the three inch cut on her face. Shadow knelt next to her and began to cleanse his wounds as well.
"I was lucky you were there tonight," Shadow began, "Thank-you, I owe you my life."
She shook her head, "You're right, you do owe me your life. I don't know how you botched this as badly as you did. I was able to finish the queen and the rest of the royal family AND get into the king's chambers before you even entered the room. They weren't supposed to be found until tomorrow."
"The entire royal family was assassinated," Shadow was shocked. "Why would he send a woman to kill the rest of the royal family? I thought only the king was to be killed."
"You don't really think you are the only assassin that he has do you? And besides, why do you assume he tells you everything he has in mind?" Shadow remained silent. "Besides that," she continued, "apparently I am the better assassin, even if I am a woman."
"If the king hadn't woken up there wouldn't have been a problem."
"Shadow, your timing was horrible, of course, so is the timing of the rest of the male species." She rose from the side of the stream and looked toward the horizon. She moved quietly and strongly toward her horse.
Shadow stood riveted to the ground. She moves so gracefully, he thought. She quickly mounted her horse. "Get to your rendezvous point Shadow, you have three hours."
"How do you know that," he asked.
"I know more than you think," she replied. She turned the head of her horse and began to ride away.
"Wait," he called.
"What is it Shadow?"
"I would really like to know the name of the woman to whom I owe my life."
"Jael." With that, she vanished into the darkness, leaving Shadow by the stream wondering when, if ever, he would encounter this mysterious heroine again.
So here's what she's written. I'm considering opening it up again to making it a group collaboration, in which you, the reader, will email to me the next part of the story, and then I will post the winner's contribution in the next week's continuation of the story, along with their name. Leave feedback as far as that goes in the comments. That's all, so without further waiting, part 2 of the story:
The guards spotted Shadow only a split second before they saw the lifeless body of the king.
"Get that man!" one of them shouted. His cry brought more guards running. Shadow ran toward a curtain, thinking a window lay behind it. He was wrong, and this mistake could cost him his life. He pulled his sword and prepared to try and fight his way out of the nightmare in which he suddenly found himself.
Shadow didn't know it, but a second figure dressed in black was watching from a corner concealed in darkness. The figure shook its head and the long graceful arms crossed over its chest. The dark knowing green eyes took in the situation that had formed before them. Five guards had joined the original two. The young assassin was up against seven trained guards and none of his training had prepared him for that. He was an assassin, trained to be invisible, trained to silently kill his victim...one unaware, defenseless victim. The invisible figure pulled a small crossbow and aimed it at one of the guards. The small arrow flew straight and true. The guards were not wearing helmets and it had cost this guard his life. The second guard fell just after he saw his comrade go down.
"That's two," the figure pulled its sword and stepped out of the dark into the moon light. The figure was still invisible; the only indication of its position was the piercing green eyes from behind a black mask. Three guards fell on this new threat, one of them went down immediately.
Shadow caught a glimpse of the figure. He quickly turned so they were now back to back rather than facing each other.
"Four left friend," he said. The new comer shot him a glare. The guards advanced on the pair. Within five minutes the remaining four guards lay on the floor, dead.
"You're bleeding," Shadow said to the newcomer.
"You don't look so hot yourself," was the reply. The figure began to move silently and quickly toward the only window which lay on the opposite end of the room. Shadow stood frozen to the floor. The figure turned to look at him. "You had better follow me, the changing of the guard is in ten minutes, or do you actually want to get caught tonight?"
"You're a girl," Shadow said in shock.
"Yes I am, and apparently I am a better assassin than you." Suddenly, they heard footsteps in the hall and then a shout too muffled to make out. Without further communication the two made their way out the window and down to the ground. "There are horses waiting for us," the woman whispered. They quickly made their way to the waiting stallions, mounted, and rode off into the woods.
They had ridden hard for about and hour and a half before they stopped. She dismounted next to a small stream and gently guided her horse across. Once on the other side she knelt down and began to cleanse the wounds on her arm and the three inch cut on her face. Shadow knelt next to her and began to cleanse his wounds as well.
"I was lucky you were there tonight," Shadow began, "Thank-you, I owe you my life."
She shook her head, "You're right, you do owe me your life. I don't know how you botched this as badly as you did. I was able to finish the queen and the rest of the royal family AND get into the king's chambers before you even entered the room. They weren't supposed to be found until tomorrow."
"The entire royal family was assassinated," Shadow was shocked. "Why would he send a woman to kill the rest of the royal family? I thought only the king was to be killed."
"You don't really think you are the only assassin that he has do you? And besides, why do you assume he tells you everything he has in mind?" Shadow remained silent. "Besides that," she continued, "apparently I am the better assassin, even if I am a woman."
"If the king hadn't woken up there wouldn't have been a problem."
"Shadow, your timing was horrible, of course, so is the timing of the rest of the male species." She rose from the side of the stream and looked toward the horizon. She moved quietly and strongly toward her horse.
Shadow stood riveted to the ground. She moves so gracefully, he thought. She quickly mounted her horse. "Get to your rendezvous point Shadow, you have three hours."
"How do you know that," he asked.
"I know more than you think," she replied. She turned the head of her horse and began to ride away.
"Wait," he called.
"What is it Shadow?"
"I would really like to know the name of the woman to whom I owe my life."
"Jael." With that, she vanished into the darkness, leaving Shadow by the stream wondering when, if ever, he would encounter this mysterious heroine again.
My battle monster
Found this while scouting out Susie's Blog from Practical Penumbra
oddly enough, Marine names don't help your odds any . . .
oddly enough, Marine names don't help your odds any . . .
What is love? (Baby don't hurt me . . .)
As the blog family knows, blogfather Harvey posts Love Notes every day (except on weekends)
Well, aside from the obvious fun had by twisting the love notes into Lecherous Notes (which is occasionally harder than you might think) I did some thinking on what love actually was, and this is what I've come up with:
To define love into words is a hard thing to do. I think the Bible is pretty clear:
1Co 13:4-8
(4) Love never gives up. Love cares more for others than for self. Love doesn't want what it doesn't have. Love doesn't strut, Doesn't have a swelled head,
(5) Doesn't force itself on others, Isn't always "me first," Doesn't fly off the handle, Doesn't keep score of the sins of others,
(6) Doesn't revel when others grovel, Takes pleasure in the flowering of truth,
(7) Puts up with anything, Trusts God always, Always looks for the best, Never looks back, But keeps going to the end.
(8) Love never dies. Inspired speech will be over some day; praying in tongues will end; understanding will reach its limit. (MSG)
Through the Bible, we can know what love is, however, knowing and understanding are two different things. The only way you can understand true love is to experience it. To truly understand true love (unconditional love or agape love), you must also experience true hatred. Hatred is the opposite of love- the only way I have to describe it is to tell you how I experienced it. I came into a situation where I was willing to kill a guy if I ever saw him. I knew that he would go to Hell if I killed him, but I was willing to kill him anyway. That is hatred. It will consume you and keep you from experiencing the joy the Jesus gives his followers.
So while I can tell you what love is, and what hatred is, you can never understand them until you experience it for yourself.
Well, aside from the obvious fun had by twisting the love notes into Lecherous Notes (which is occasionally harder than you might think) I did some thinking on what love actually was, and this is what I've come up with:
To define love into words is a hard thing to do. I think the Bible is pretty clear:
1Co 13:4-8
(4) Love never gives up. Love cares more for others than for self. Love doesn't want what it doesn't have. Love doesn't strut, Doesn't have a swelled head,
(5) Doesn't force itself on others, Isn't always "me first," Doesn't fly off the handle, Doesn't keep score of the sins of others,
(6) Doesn't revel when others grovel, Takes pleasure in the flowering of truth,
(7) Puts up with anything, Trusts God always, Always looks for the best, Never looks back, But keeps going to the end.
(8) Love never dies. Inspired speech will be over some day; praying in tongues will end; understanding will reach its limit. (MSG)
Through the Bible, we can know what love is, however, knowing and understanding are two different things. The only way you can understand true love is to experience it. To truly understand true love (unconditional love or agape love), you must also experience true hatred. Hatred is the opposite of love- the only way I have to describe it is to tell you how I experienced it. I came into a situation where I was willing to kill a guy if I ever saw him. I knew that he would go to Hell if I killed him, but I was willing to kill him anyway. That is hatred. It will consume you and keep you from experiencing the joy the Jesus gives his followers.
So while I can tell you what love is, and what hatred is, you can never understand them until you experience it for yourself.
My Anti-Drug
Ifilm is hosting a video that I think should be made into one of those "Anti-Drug" comercials.
I Am Drugs is "A series of Public Service Announcements to young people to stay on drugs." however, I think it could be used for reverse psychology. It's a really well done video, and is better than any of the corney anti-drug comercials I've seen while watching TV.
I Am Drugs is "A series of Public Service Announcements to young people to stay on drugs." however, I think it could be used for reverse psychology. It's a really well done video, and is better than any of the corney anti-drug comercials I've seen while watching TV.
Pimp my Bible
okay, Metallicarat of Flashbang mentioned that you could view his site Snoop-ized. I noticed that at the top, you can place any site you want into the search box, and it will snoop-ize it for you. After some random site viewing, I got the idea to snoop-ize the Bible. God may hit me with a lightning bolt or five for this, but it looked really cool. click here to view the passage normally. Without further wait, the first chapter of a pimped out Genesis. (Parental Warning: explicit verses)
Genesis 1
The Creation of tha World
1:1 In tha beginn'n 1 God 2 created 3 tha heavens n tha earth. 4
1:2 Now 5 tha earth 6 was witout shape n empty, 7 n darkness 8 was over tha surface of tha watery deep, 9 but tha Spirit of God 10 was mov'n 11 over tha surface 12 of tha motherfucka. 13 1:3 God said, 14 “Let there be 15 Light.” 16 And there was light! 1:4 God saw 17 thizzat tha light was good, 18 so God separated 19 tha light from tha darkness. 1:5 God called 20 tha light “day” n tha darkness 21 “night.” There was even'n, n there was morn'n, doggy stylin' tha first day. 22
1:6 God said, “Let there be an expanse 23 in tha M-to-tha-izzidst of tha wanna be gangsta n let it separate playa 24 fizzle wata. 1:7 So God made tha expanse n separated tha crazy ass nigga nigga tha expanse from tha wata above it . They call me tha black folks president. 25 It was so. 26 1:8 God called tha expanse “sky.” 27 There was even'n, n there was morn'n, a second day.
1:9 God said, “Let tha playa unda tha sky be gathered ta one place 28 n let dry ground appear.” 29 It was so. 1:10 God called tha dry ground “land” 30 n tha gathered gangsta he called “seas.” God saw that it was good.
1:11 God said, “Let tha land produce vegetizzle: 31 plants yield'n seeds accord'n ta they kinds, 32 n 33 fruit trees ballin' fruit wit seed in it accord'n ta they kinds.” It was so. 1:12 The land produced vegetation—plants yield'n seeds accord'n ta they kinds, n trees bear'n fruit wit seed in it%
Genesis 1
The Creation of tha World
1:1 In tha beginn'n 1 God 2 created 3 tha heavens n tha earth. 4
1:2 Now 5 tha earth 6 was witout shape n empty, 7 n darkness 8 was over tha surface of tha watery deep, 9 but tha Spirit of God 10 was mov'n 11 over tha surface 12 of tha motherfucka. 13 1:3 God said, 14 “Let there be 15 Light.” 16 And there was light! 1:4 God saw 17 thizzat tha light was good, 18 so God separated 19 tha light from tha darkness. 1:5 God called 20 tha light “day” n tha darkness 21 “night.” There was even'n, n there was morn'n, doggy stylin' tha first day. 22
1:6 God said, “Let there be an expanse 23 in tha M-to-tha-izzidst of tha wanna be gangsta n let it separate playa 24 fizzle wata. 1:7 So God made tha expanse n separated tha crazy ass nigga nigga tha expanse from tha wata above it . They call me tha black folks president. 25 It was so. 26 1:8 God called tha expanse “sky.” 27 There was even'n, n there was morn'n, a second day.
1:9 God said, “Let tha playa unda tha sky be gathered ta one place 28 n let dry ground appear.” 29 It was so. 1:10 God called tha dry ground “land” 30 n tha gathered gangsta he called “seas.” God saw that it was good.
1:11 God said, “Let tha land produce vegetizzle: 31 plants yield'n seeds accord'n ta they kinds, 32 n 33 fruit trees ballin' fruit wit seed in it accord'n ta they kinds.” It was so. 1:12 The land produced vegetation—plants yield'n seeds accord'n ta they kinds, n trees bear'n fruit wit seed in it%
I like "Bad Managers"
Susie is a bad manager but in this case, it's a good thing. Go read her entry after reading this entry or just scroll down a little.
"Usually I just give the most hours to the hardest workers, and when the slackers get tired of $15 paychecks while everyone else is getting $75 or $100, they either shape up or quit."
Unfortunately, since I belong to a Union, hours are given to those with the most seniority otherwise Meijer gets in trouble with the Union. I can deal with that, what I can't deal with is the complete lack of respect from management. I found out from a co-worker who overheard it that I actually got a customer compliment about two months back. I still haven't heard any atta-boys from management. On the other hand, I've noticed they are quick to respond when someone does something they shouldn't.
"At the theater, business comes in tidal waves. There are no set breaks, but between shows the clerks can go get ice cream, run home for a snack, do their homework, go out for a cigarette,* whatever--as long as I know where they are, and that they'll be back in time for the next set, they can have as many breaks as they want."
I can't even go get water from the water fountain unless I'm on my scheduled break, and heaven forbid I should need to use the restroom. The sad thing is, the only days its really busy are Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Yet they still won't let you leave your lane outside of break time unless you pose some kind of health risk (ie, going to vomit)
At Harvey's request in the comments of my previous entry, in a fight between Meijer and Aquaman Meijer would trick Aquaman into working for them as a cashier, and increase his stress to such great levels that Aquaman will finally snap and go retail (much like going postal, but for retailers) Meijer will then call store security and have him escorted out of the store via the men in white jackets before he can do any actual harm to himself.
"Usually I just give the most hours to the hardest workers, and when the slackers get tired of $15 paychecks while everyone else is getting $75 or $100, they either shape up or quit."
Unfortunately, since I belong to a Union, hours are given to those with the most seniority otherwise Meijer gets in trouble with the Union. I can deal with that, what I can't deal with is the complete lack of respect from management. I found out from a co-worker who overheard it that I actually got a customer compliment about two months back. I still haven't heard any atta-boys from management. On the other hand, I've noticed they are quick to respond when someone does something they shouldn't.
"At the theater, business comes in tidal waves. There are no set breaks, but between shows the clerks can go get ice cream, run home for a snack, do their homework, go out for a cigarette,* whatever--as long as I know where they are, and that they'll be back in time for the next set, they can have as many breaks as they want."
I can't even go get water from the water fountain unless I'm on my scheduled break, and heaven forbid I should need to use the restroom. The sad thing is, the only days its really busy are Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Yet they still won't let you leave your lane outside of break time unless you pose some kind of health risk (ie, going to vomit)
At Harvey's request in the comments of my previous entry, in a fight between Meijer and Aquaman Meijer would trick Aquaman into working for them as a cashier, and increase his stress to such great levels that Aquaman will finally snap and go retail (much like going postal, but for retailers) Meijer will then call store security and have him escorted out of the store via the men in white jackets before he can do any actual harm to himself.
How work really works pt. 1
As none (or very few) of you know, I work as a cashier at Meijer (I scan and bag the items the customer wants to purchase). For those who don't know what Meijer is it's a super store, think Wal-Mart, but with a worse working environment, and it came first. I've been there for about a year and a half now, so I've basically learned the ins and outs of working there. Pretty much every Customer service position is the same, so once you know what you can and can't do at one work place, you are set for the rest of your career in customer service.
Don't ever let management see that you are having a good time. Smiling and laughter, no matter how few customers are around, mean that you're not doing your job properly, we shall therefore find something constructive for you to do with your time (usually some type of cleaning).
Never expect your break on time. According to Union (I hate Unions) contract, we're supposed to get a fifteen minute break for every two hours of work. I've worked shifts where my first break wasn't until four hours into my shift. And then they have the nerve to try and send me on my lunch thirty minutes after I get back from that break.
Don't work any harder than you have to to keep from getting fired. Okay, this is a big one. It should be one of the first things you learn. No matter how hard you work, it won't matter. Promotions and hours given are based on seniority, not on how hard a worker you are.
Never date a co-worker. Yeah, this is another big one. I had to learn this the hard way (twice). It started out okay, but then I found out that rather than a sylph, I was dating a banshee.
Those are the biggest things I can tell you not to do in a customer service position.
Based on moral alone, if Meijer and France were to go to war with each other, France would actually win the war. They would then quickly surrender to the nearest person they found after the war to shake the unfamiliar (and thus very scary) feeling of victory.
Don't ever let management see that you are having a good time. Smiling and laughter, no matter how few customers are around, mean that you're not doing your job properly, we shall therefore find something constructive for you to do with your time (usually some type of cleaning).
Never expect your break on time. According to Union (I hate Unions) contract, we're supposed to get a fifteen minute break for every two hours of work. I've worked shifts where my first break wasn't until four hours into my shift. And then they have the nerve to try and send me on my lunch thirty minutes after I get back from that break.
Don't work any harder than you have to to keep from getting fired. Okay, this is a big one. It should be one of the first things you learn. No matter how hard you work, it won't matter. Promotions and hours given are based on seniority, not on how hard a worker you are.
Never date a co-worker. Yeah, this is another big one. I had to learn this the hard way (twice). It started out okay, but then I found out that rather than a sylph, I was dating a banshee.
Those are the biggest things I can tell you not to do in a customer service position.
Based on moral alone, if Meijer and France were to go to war with each other, France would actually win the war. They would then quickly surrender to the nearest person they found after the war to shake the unfamiliar (and thus very scary) feeling of victory.
Last days
Now that May has officially started, my days as a civilian are quickly drawing to a close. Monday is my last day of classes before summer starts. After tomorrow I have twenty-one days before I leave for recruit training. I look back and compare myself to just a few months ago. A few months ago, I couldn't run a mile without getting winded before we were half-way through. I couldn't do a single pull-up, I was pathetic . . .incredibly out of shape. Now I'm running three miles without stopping and wanting to go farther. I'm almost at four pull ups, I'll be at at least six before I leave. I've been losing weight rapidly since I started exercising, and now I need a new wardrobe, all my old clothes are at least two sizes too large. I think this is why people so often don't lose weight, they can't afford new clothes.
Sissy has offered to keep the blogfamily updated while I'm at recruit training in San Diego. So if my friend decides not to update, then you may be hearing from her while I'm gone. (From what I've seen of her blog, she's pretty cool.)
Later this week I'll post a little more of, The Start of a Great Adventure.
Sissy has offered to keep the blogfamily updated while I'm at recruit training in San Diego. So if my friend decides not to update, then you may be hearing from her while I'm gone. (From what I've seen of her blog, she's pretty cool.)
Later this week I'll post a little more of, The Start of a Great Adventure.
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