Fun With Mormons Pt. 1

Another thing you all may not know about me, since we know each other so very little, is that I have a strange fascination with religions. Now it mostly pertains to Occult type religions, as what is 'hidden', as the name applies, is quite interesting to me. Not that these religions have anything deeply spiritual to offer per se, nor do I follow the tenants of any religion except maybe the one dedicated to myself as Deity.

For the most part I have steered away from any Christian sects. It's not that I have a serious disliking for any of them, it's just that whenever I meet someone from one of those religions (such as the Mormons or Jehovah's Witnesses) they always seem so hellbent on converting me. Besides that I spent 9 years in Catholic school, with daily mass and lessons. Apparently though I missed all the good tidbits of information that would so entertain me in the last few years.

Take for instance the JWs. Did you know that windchimes are evil, as the Devil speaks through them? Or perhaps the Mormons who believe that the Native Americans came over to America on a wooden submarine that was 'tight unto like a dish'. Plus there's the shiney brass compass that god left for his followers one night to find their way.

Now the Mormons have been especially good to me. So far I've recieved a Book of Mormom, a King James Bible, some pamphlets, and a great 'Walking with Jesus' DVD. All this obtained from the comfort of my computer chair. It's unfortunate that to get the better material, I'll need to have them come by and try to convert me to their way. But there is the chance of obtaining more goodies such as their 'Pearl of Great Price', and 'the Doctrine and Covenants'. One of said books is supposedly quite fringe even for the Mormons from what I'm told.

To Be Continued,
Lord Salens

For all you Lord Salens Fans............

In response to Ravencroft's post, I'm not gone just lazy. You should see my own site... few and far between posts. For those who may not know me, here's a little insight into the Mind of Lord Salens:
I once thought it would be cool to design websites for a living and made some decent money, but what held me back was the fact that if it wasn't fun I didn't want to get back to it. It seems that something that so entertained me when I was screwing around, was just not so interesting when I was expected to me deadlines and such. Not that it wasn't an excellent creative outlet, it just wasn't enough of an outlet to keep me going.

That's the main reason I have my own domain and just randomly post things there. It's not likely to draw much attention and I can do it at my own pace.

But worry not for I am working on a new post that came to me while standing on my back deck... Fun With Mormons. Hopefully you'll be delighted.

In Nomine Salens,
Lord Salens

For all you Harry Potter Fans............

I happened across this site and since I haven't made an appearance in while, figured I'd post it. For any of you that enjoy Harry Potter and particularly get a laugh from reading the "hate mail" of stupid people, check out the "Wall of Shame". Located on the left hand side of the site, under the heading "MuggleNet".
I still must confess to being more of a Lord of the Rings fan than Potter fan, but I do however enjoy a good read and movie. Both of which I've found in the Potter series. Since I found a few of them so funny, I'll also include just a smattering of what you can expect at the Wall of Shame.
Enjoy...........or not.............:)


A note from Wall of Shame founder and caretaker (or more appropriately, "crap-taker" ... you'll see), Emerson:

This is a collection of the dumbest, random and most pointless letters we've received. Most of them were, for reasons unknown, addressed to me, so I am the one responsible for this excuse for a page. You'll have lost several IQ points by the time you finish this, but at least you'll feel smarter!

jkr saidt he title to book7 on her website.. harry potter and the mystic kettle of nackledirk!!!!!

-Submitted by an alarming amount of people.

Sar´casm n. 1. a form of wit that is marked by the use of sarcastic language and is intended to make its victim the butt of contempt or ridicule

Yeah, she was kidding...!

It costs money but for a good enough software for Mugglenet Interactive would be AOL Highspeed. The connections very fast and reilaible it gives avaible software to use.

If you laughed when you read this, you're a geek like me. If you laughed really hard when you read this, you also have a strange sense of humor.

To Mr. Dude,
I find it not very nice that you make fun of the no believers on a web page. It would be a lot nicer if you had them in something like the quote thingy that's on every page of Muggle Net. Also, why did the Navy do your layout? I requested they do one for me and they never replied.
<> If you look at the bottom of this page, you'll see it says the layout was created by Navy. Navy is a person. She lives in Australia.

Frankly, I'm a little scared you actually asked the United States Navy to make you a website layout.

(For the record, I have no earthly idea what she's talking about in the first part of the email.

Dating 101

I promised this this weekend, but like I said, I was busy.

When my plans were to go into bootcamp, I decided to take a break from dating, now that I'm back, I've decided to start again. Anyway, I figured it would be a good idea to review what I know, and the easiest way for me to review, is to write it down. So guys, I've decided to share this information with you as well.

Attraction isn’t a choice. If you talk with a girl, and she forms an opinion of you, and she isn’t attracted to you, then there is nothing you can do about it. However, if she does feel attraction towards you, then there’s nothing she can do about it. No amount of logic, talking to her friends, peer pressure, can over come it. The more it grows, the more powerful it becomes, it will overrule everything, to the point where the girl will make sacrifices to be with that guy, even if he isn‘t the best for them, even in situations where the guy is abusive. So how do you form attraction?

The key, is to be confident and funny. You have to be able to keep your power in a relationship. Too often, I’ve seen guys give up their power even before a relationship starts. They’ll see an attractive girl, and immediately ask, “would she be interested in me?” This is the kind of question wussies ask. What is a wussy? A wussy is the combination of two words, wimp, and another word which I won’t mention. Having wussyness is kryptonite for a guys chance to have a girl become attracted to him. The key therefore, is to remain confident, and to be funny. The ladies magazines that say that humor is one of the most attractive things about a guy weren’t lying, they merely left out that the guy also needs to be confident.

Things like, paying for dinner, for the movie, buying expensive gifts, all of these things are things a wussy would do. Now, if done the right way, they won’t hurt you. I typically act like its no big deal, however, I’ve also let her pay for my meal as well. “But that isn’t the gentlemanly thing to do.” Well, actually, I’m not sure it isn’t. The concept of a gentleman today isn’t a true gentleman, it’s a gentleman with his balls cut off. If you want a good example of a gentleman, look at the character of James Bond, or John Wayne. Study how they act around women. This is the type of confidence you want to have. Rhet Butler is another fine example of a true gentleman. Guys, its okay to watch Gone With The Wind with your girl, just make sure you’re studying Rhet whenever he’s in the scene.

A way that makes it easier to talk to a woman your interested in, is instead of asking, am I someone she would consider dating, ask this, “Is she someone I would consider dating?” I know it seems simple, but dating is in some aspects like a war, and if you have no moral, it’s impossible to get the victory.

Well class, this is enough for now, practice what you have learned thus far, and I’ll have another lesson for you in the future.

Today's Stupid Criminial

After a laborious two-week criminal trial in a very high profile bank robbery case, the jury finally ended its 14 hours of deliberations and entered the courtroom to deliver its verdict to the judge. The judge turns to the jury foreman and asks, "Has the jury reached a verdict in this case?"

"Yes, your honor," the foreman responded, "We find the defendant NOT GUILTY of all four counts of bank robbery,"

The family and friends of the defendant jump for joy at the sound of the "not guilty" verdict and hug each other as they shout expressions of divine gratitude. The defendant's attorney turns to his client and asks, "So, what do you think about that?"

The defendant looks around the courtroom slowly with a bewildered look on his face and then turns to his defense attorney and says, "I'm real confused here. Does this mean that I have to give all the money back?"

about that update I promised.

okay, I really am working on that post I promised. No I didn't procrastinate the entire weekend. I had to work-- I finally got a job. Its back at Meijer, which really sucks, but hey, its some income until I find a better job. Anyone hiring?

oh, and R.R. and Lord Salens, where have you disapeared to? Just cause I'm not going into the marine's anymore doesn't mean I want you to leave.