When will the waiting end?

Anyone who has read the Bill of Rights knows that the second Amendment states: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

Thanks to the NRA, we as Americans are pretty much assured that our right to carry guns will not be taken away. However, Arms is not just solely in reference to guns, but to all weapons. Why am I denied my right to carry a sword at my side? Or to legally keep throwing knives on my person? I believe it is unconstitutional to forbid the bearing of knives and swords (or whatever weapon we want to bear) while we allow people to conceal guns on their person. Is someone less dead because they were shot instead of stabbed? True, I'd rather have a gun in a knife fight than a knife in a gun fight, but I think that there is an art to swordsmanship that has been lost because no longer are we allowed to carry them at our side.

I hope that one day America will realize that we have not realized in fullness our constitutional right to keep and bear arms, and that one day in the future, I will be allowed to carry my katana at my side.

Custos Honor

My name is Andrew, I hail from North Carolina originally, but have lived in California and Michigan. I currently reside in Michigan, but hope to remedy that eventually. I really don’t like to talk much about myself, preferring instead to listen to others about their life. However, I have always been a firm believer that wisdom, humor, and life should be shared. To do otherwise would be a travesty. I love to write, and am currently working on a novel, which I will post pieces of every now and again. Ultimately, the purpose of what I’m doing is to share a bit of what I’ve learned with you, and to learn from you as well.

Custos Honor, meaning guardian of honor, I chose this as the name of my blog because I believe that, like "a man who doesn't spend time with his family," a man with no honor isn't a man at all. Honorableness is something that I admire most in a person.

The Suckiest Post To Ever Suck At Sucking

Okay, so Harvey over at Bad Example, I guess he'd be my blogfather, (He really gets around, can't help but wonder what his Beloved Wife thinks of that.) explained that everyone's first blog is supposed to suck. Well, I'm not sure if I'm able to do that, because I suck at sucking, but I guess in a way that counts too. This is merely to say that I, Andrew, now have a blog, and that as such, I really have no idea as to what I should write about. Obviously I'll post letters from Boot Camp while I'm there. Well, a friend of mine will take over for the duration after I leave. For now though, you're stuck with me, so deal with it.