Happy Frelling New Year!!!

So its the new year, nothing as impressive as in 2000, when all 4 digits changed, and there was the whole Y2k scare (whatever happened to that?) I later had heard that it was going to happen on Feb. 29, due to the fact that when they fixed the bug in the original programming, they forgot to do something about Feb. 29th. This also didn't happen. I blame the democrats for the entire scare :-D.

This year, I'll be dropping out of college, trying to find a new and better job, or a second job and trying to sort out some of the things going on in my life.

"Life. Loathe it or ignore it, you can't like it." -- Marvin The Robot.

Sorry Marvin, but I'm just crazy enough to like mine. Sure, there are some things in my past that I wish I could change, but everyone has those. So this year, I'll be taking this semester (I still live by semesters, I just dropped out, so give me a break) I'll be focusing on getting things in some sense of order.

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